what we’re

all about

collectively well is a community on a mission to elevate collective wellbeing.

we cultivate community healing experiences grounded in authentic self care & real world wellbeing.

whether you join us online or on kumeyaay land in san diego, we hope to connect you with more peace, presence & purpose.

self care that’s self aware

authentic self care.

we’re redefining what it means to take care of yourself.

we go deeper than surface level solutions that start with bubble baths and end with band aids that help you and only you feel good.

we know that authentic self care comes from a strong mind body connection, a compassionate relationship with yourself and a commitment to the deep inner work.

it comes from getting comfortable in the uncomfortable to expand your capacity to feel & set boundaries to protect your peace.

we love smoothies and green juice and ice cream and cheeseburgers. we charge our crystals as often as we charge our phones. we learn from nature and our neighbors. we take breaks from our screens and we take breaks from each other.

embodying authentic self care is the foundation for building communities that help us heal.

it’s the first step to cultivating relationships that empower collective liberation.

real world wellbeing.

the heart of our work

the wellness industry can make it feel like we’re one class, one face mask, one reading away from “wellness.”

it can make us feel like we are the problem, not the society we live in.

we acknowledge the systems of oppression that profit off of our dissociation. we recognize this world wasn’t built for everyone. we believe that no one is free unless we all are free.

life isn't always love and light; it's dark and messy too. we celebrate our wins and lessons. we fail and learn and fail again.

we hold space for folks to slow down enough to let go & unlearn harmful societal conditioning holding us back from embracing all of who we are.

let’s be real... true collective well-being isn’t possible without policy change & systemic restructuring. honoring & nurturing ourselves & one another is the least we can do.

we’re softening the systems from within.

the tribe has spoken

  • Community breathwork with collectively well was my first introduction to breathwork and WOW. It was way more powerful than I could have expected. The experience was deeply intense and cathartic. It brought to the surface lots of big emotions I'd been suppressing. Shannon's gentle nature ensured I felt safe and supported during this emotional release. As a psychiatrist, I had some sense of the power of breath techniques for managing emotions, but something happens during breathwork that is beyond my grasp of the science behind it. I plan to recommend this to my loved ones as well as my patients going forward as another tool for wellness.


  • The community breathwork session I joined with collectively well was a beautiful and life changing experience. The curiosity of doing something I have never done paired with a longing for community thrusted me into a beautiful and life changing experience. Shannon’s intention, experience, and ability to educate provides not only for a safe, but brave environment to connect with self and others. Through her techniques and guidance I was able to really experience and embrace the depths of what my body could with just the expansion and focus on my breathing. I got to laugh, cry, praise God and release the things that no longer served me while also making room for newness! Shannon really knows how to hold the space necessary for this work and empower folx to know thay we are in control and can instill the change we need with in ourselves.


  • Community breathwork with collectively well has been so powerful for me. Shannon's guidance has a way of commanding the body's attention. Breathwork was different than any yoga or meditation class I've never done. It's deeply relaxing, but what surprised me is the therapeutic component. Shannon gives you the power to soothe yourself and open up just by guiding your breath and learning to listen to your body. I think everyone can benefit from breathwork especially busy or burnout individuals that need self-care and self-love healing.


  • The community breathwork session with collectively well was a powerful experience that helped me release tension I had been holding for a long time. Shannon creates a safe, supportive space, and I left feeling a sense of calm and clarity.


  • The experience I had at community breathwork with collectively well was phenomenal. Shannon has a presence and a gift. She creates a safe space to lead you through an experience that for some may be uncomfortable. Through harnessing vulnerability as a skill and sharing her authentic journey, she’s able to foster a space for community and connection that is second to none. Even if you have ‘any inkling’ or internal ping, to try breathwork- Do it!


  • I didn't actually know what breathwork was until trying it but I knew I needed something to help cope with the daily stressors of life. Every time I leave a breathwork session with collectively well, I come away with a tangible solution to what I am experiencing. The best part is that while Shannon is the one to guide me, it is my mind that takes me to that solution.


our story

getting diagnosed with cancer in the middle of COVID led shannon to make mind, body, spirit healing her full time job. breathwork was the most powerful tool she found, bringing more profound progress than years of therapy and empowering her to prioritize her peace.

a consistent practice supported her in leaving new york city for a change of pace in san diego. after getting laid off soon after, she was confronted with the nonlinear nature of healing and the importance of a diverse range of practices to lean on. she continues to do the work to slow down & let go of the ways hustle culture hijacked her healing.

collectively well was created to build a community that meets you where you’re at. the mission to elevate collective wellbeing comes from a passion in connecting people with their authentic Selves to build a wholehearted society working towards collective liberation.

today, shannon is a breathwork facilitator, writer and speaker based on kumeyaay land in san diego. her private practice serves behavioral health centers, the cancer community, and workplaces looking for support in managing burnout and optimizing wellbeing. she holds space for a handful of private clients looking to grow through change. when she’s not holding space, you can find her buried in a book, plunging in the pacific or going for walk and talks on sunset cliffs.

learn more.

slow down. stay silly.

slow down. stay silly.