collectively well: the course

where soul discovery meets authentic living

twelve week

community breathwork prorgram

This is the part of the sales page where marketing experts tell us we’re supposed to speak to your pain points. This is where we “highlight the problem the course is going to help you solve.”

Ick. We’re not going to do that.

We don’t have a solution for the human experience.

Can life be stressful and overwhelming and hard? Yes. Can anxiety feel impossible to escape? Yes. Does our capitalistic culture normalize an existence that constantly leaves us feeling like we’re never doing enough? Yes.

We can’t dissolve all of your stress or cure your anxiety forever. We definitely don’t have the solution for late-stage capitalism.

The course is a community container that will give you the tools to connect your mind body and spirit, space to reflect on your authentic Self, and support to cultivate a life that elevates collective wellbeing.

We hope you’ll use the power of breath, mindfulness and meditation to ground in a compassionate relationship with yourself while building habits to help you take care of your mind body and spirit.

Connecting with your authentic Self could help you let go of the “shoulds” by letting go of those expectations you hold over yourself that were never realistic to begin with. Dropping into the breath and rewiring the subconscious in real time “should” help with that.

Maybe you’ll lean into the support to make changes to prioritize your authentic Self. Or maybe you’ll give yourself permission to see the ways you’re already living with purpose. Either way, collective well being will benefit from you showing up lighter and more liberated.

Even if NONE of the above happens, three months of weekly breathwork alone can change the way you experience your life.

If nothing else, you’ll have somewhere to go once a week to show up as you are, who you are, knowing you’re not alone in navigating the intensity of the human experience.

what we’ll cover

  • connect

    Week 1: Breath

    Week 2: Mind

    Week 3: Body

    Week 4: Spirit

  • reflect

    Week 5: Slowing Down

    Week 6: Inner Child

    Week 7: Shadow

    Week 8: Play

  • cultivate

    Week 9: Boundaries

    Week 10: Gifts

    Week 11: Passion

    Week 12: Community

“I had never done breath-work before but knew that I needed to find something that nourished my soul and allowed for me to dig deeper into understanding myself and my experiences. From our very first intro call, through every week after, Shannon provided a supportive and encouraging environment that allowed for the group to be vulnerable and open up and show up exactly as we are. Every single week, this group showed up, supported, loved and encouraged each other through all of the feelings that came up. The space fostered safety that allowed for us to show up exactly as we are, with whatever we were dealing with. I felt heard, seen and valued not only in each session but through our group chats as well. Shannon was born to do this work. I learned more about myself and the sense of community and support was what allowed for me to heal, better understand who I am and illuminated the path to me living as my most authentic self. “


“This was the best thing I've ever done for myself. I've been in and out of therapy for half my life and consistently for the last 7 years. I made more progress in this course in 12 weeks than I have in 7 years of weekly or bi-weekly therapy. I learned so much about myself and how I interact and perceive the world around me. I truly connected to my values and my purpose. Shannon has a way of approaching such hard things with so much grace. I am more connected to my emotions and can decipher, articulate them and process them so much easier. This work has strengthened me as a person, my relationships, friendships, and work life. I trust myself more and am more of my authentic self than I've ever been which no feeling could replace! I am so grateful and would recommend this experience to anyone!”

Brooke B.

“Shannon’s community breathwork course came to me during a time when I needed it most. I was struggling with some very hard things personally and I cannot begin to describe how much not only the content supported me, but the group sessions as well. This is such an amazing experience and has allowed me the opportunity to form some incredibly unique connections with amazing individuals. I am so fortunate to have found this community, which helped me through a challenging point in my life and supported my healing journey. For that I will be forever grateful. I could not recommend Shannon enough to anyone who is looking to find balance or needing some support.”

Brooke R.

Month 1: Connect

Your relationship with your mind, body & spirit is the foundation for how you feel & show up in the world.

You'll learn about the mind body spirit connection, nervous system regulation & emotional agility. You’ll connect with breathwork, mindfulness and meditation as tools to add to your self care toolkit.

You’ll hone in on your values & your vision while uncovering what’s holding you back from self compassion, acceptance & trust.

Month 2: Reflect

Reflection comes from a place of stillness. Slowing down and intentionally resting is a practice. You’ll start to build yours here.

Reconnecting with your authentic Self through exploring your shadow and your inner child is powerfully expansive work. We’ll hold you through it here.

Once you uncover your inner child, you’ll give them all sorts of TLC by leaning into creativity and play.

Life is silly if you let it be.

Month 3: Cultivate

Boundaries are the foundation for healthy relationships and a more intentional life. We’ll get comfortable in the uncomfortable, supporting you in setting them here.

With your newfound self awareness, you’ll explore how to live with more purpose by leaning into your passion & your gifts to leverage your privilege to elevate collective wellbeing.

collectively well is a community built on authenticity, vulnerability, and radical self-acceptance. the course embodies those values by uncovering & uplifting your unique perspective.

We learn from each other. Everyone’s voice is elevated with compassion & celebration.

Shannon holds the space but their role is to guide you back to your inner knowing by facilitating an environment that supports your healing. They are no guru. They are right alongside you in the work.

Coming back to yourself with curiosity connects you with your inherent strength and power to navigate life's ups and downs with grounded confidence and resilience.

At the end of the course, you’ll leave feeling more alive & less alone. We hope so, at least.


  • September - November 2024. Join the waitlist.

    • 12 live community breathwork sessions

    • 12 online lessons with curated content & journal prompts to integrate the material

    • One 1:1 breathwork session

    • One coaching session

    • Group chat for community support

    • Access to breath recordings for 1 year after

  • $1000. Early bird pricing runs through the end of July 2024.

  • Breathwork is any use of your breath with attention & intention. The power of the breath is indigenous wisdom that has been around for centuries and lived on through Eastern practices such as pranayama in yoga, buddhism, and Tai Chi. Modern “breathwork” gained popularity the 1970's through the work of Dr. Stanislav Grof & Leonard Orr when they explored the similarities on the brain between deep cyclical breathing & psychedelics. In an unsurprising turn of events, capitalism in the West turned it into a tool for peak performance and productivity. Around here, we tap into the conscious connected breath and HypnoBreathwork to quiet the mind and be in your body for self awareness and mind body spirit healing.

  • Before getting into breathWORK, we focus on building a relationship with your breath as a tool for everyday self awareness & emotional regulation. It’s much easier to take care of yourself when you know how you feel and what what you need. The breathwork we practice in sessions can support in processing stored emotions in the body, facilitating energetic release and connecting you with mental clarity and therapeutic insight. Research shows that breathwork can lower stress levels in the body, support healthier sleep, and alleviate anxiety. A consistent practice can deepen your mind body connection, improve energy levels and sharpen focus and creativity.

  • While it would be supportive for most individuals to build a relationship with their breath, breathwork is not for everyone. It is not recommended for individuals who are in their first trimester of pregnancy, have a detached retina, glaucoma or a cardiac health condition.

  • Yes. Shannon’s practice is trauma informed and she focuses on holding a supportive space that guides you back to your own inner wisdom. With that said, breathwork can surface stored memories or experiences that carry high emotional intensity. It is recommended for folks joining the program to be in therapy and have additional support to hold space for their processing and healing.

  • Yes! Shannon offerings private breathwork coaching for individuals interested in diving into the content of the course but are looking for more direct support and privacy. Book time with them here to explore whether that is a fit for you.